Aloe vera plant in a pastel pink and mint green plant pot

Let’s Get Potting: The House Plant Revival

Blog by Tamra Booth, Keeeps

There is no better way to begin your love affair with your plant, than to marry it with the perfect pot. But casting that aside for one moment, let us consider this on trend revival and why you need to grow some indoor foliage.

Ok, so perhaps you feel gardens are the ultimate in green mindfulness. My Grandma, who loved gardening and plants (more than her grandchildren!), had rows of glorious runner beans and huge swathes of mighty courgettes with blooming yellow flowers. Her garden was her sanctuary.

However, gardening is hard work. You have to go outside rain or shine, you have to weed and get mud under your fingernails, and it can be back-breaking work. The fruits of these labours are clearly worth it, and some find it a form of meditation and a way to switch off. But it is not for me.

green planter with neutral clay base

I am happier to gaze at inspirational female gardener influencers*, and they are blooming amazing. Paula Sutton* is one of my favourites, who is part of the on trend ‘cottagecore’ set. Think tea parties with vintage crockery and pretty linens, surrounded by lavenders, hydrangeas and foxgloves. Heavenly.

So, what is my measly contribution to all things green and natural?

Step forward: house plants. A pleasurable hobby with the added bonus that they are good for you*. Plants remove toxins in the air, improve concentration, reduce stress, and boost your mood. What’s not to love about house plants?

white ceramic hanging plant pot


Social media has encouraged a new generation of indoor green fingers and have driven house plant sales*. Let’s face it, shiny plants look good on Instagram*. Large leafed plants that were adored in the 1970’s have had a revival. House plants are in fashion. They are even sexy. Boyswithplants has 230k followers on Instagram and hashtag #botannicalwomen also has over 200k posts.

So, where to start? The question is, which comes first, the plant or the pot? If you see a plant pot you love, buy it as there will be a suitable plant out there, but do not then panic buy a plant to match, take your time.  

  1. Plant pots need to be the right size for the plant and give them the room they need to grow.
  2. Plants like drainage holes to stop them getting too wet. If your pot doesn’t have holes in the base, keep the plant in its original plastic container (with holes) and slip it inside the pot. Remember to drain out excess water.
  3. The pot style needs to suit the plant. We display Keeeps’ plant pots with plants so you can get a real feel for the appropriate plant.
white and neutral clay ceramic plant pot with mustard hanger

You probably won’t get it right first time. But you will learn as you go along. I am still learning but I love to potter around the house watering the plants and talking to them. It is very therapeutic. And they brighten up dark corners or blank walls and add warmth to your home.

Sometimes it is stressful. We have inherited an incredible huge money plant that is a particularly sensitive soul. We have moved it out of our teenagers’ well-trodden path to the fridge. We are now spraying it daily. I am scared as it is looking a little sparse and sad. My mother-in-law bought it the week her son (my other half) was born in 1974, and it is the biggest money plant you have ever seen, so we must keep it alive or basically I am dead.

green and neutral hanging ceramic plant pot

On a plus note, I have now sussed out plants that are almost impossible to kill. I have an Aloe vera which is now bursting with juice. I have a Heather with flowers that retain their colour. ZZ plants could survive a nuclear blast, I have one in the dark and one in the light, and both are lush green and thriving. There are lots of plants out there for the house plant newbie.*

As my Dad said, plant care is only down to two things: water and light. “Get that right and you are laughing.” I am not laughing yet, but I am starting to feel a little joy when they look bright and green and healthy. Just need to keep that money plant alive….

Plant pots in images available from Keeeps - just click the photos to shop!


  1. Houseplant Week UK - David Domoney
  2. At Home With Britain’s Most Talented Female Gardeners | British Vogue
  3. Paula Sutton (@hillhousevintage) • Instagram photos and videos
  4. Why Indoor Plants Make You Feel Better (
  5. Grow your likes: the unstoppable rise of the Insta plant | Gardens | The Guardian
  6. 20 Must Follow Plant Instagrammers | Green Fresh Florals + Plants
  7. 35 Best Indoor Plants - Good Inside Plants for Small Space Gardening (


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